Friday, August 13, 2010

Six Men and a Truck

On Friday we cleaned up and cleaned out. On Saturday we moved in. Three wonderful friends from church came to help Jay along with Two Men and a Truck. We couldn't have done it without them! Since my mom has a bum knee, my dad recently had hernia surgery from moving sofa sleepers by himself, I'm pregnant, and my grandma is...well, a grandma, the four of us weren't a whole lot of help! We did carry small items and boxes down from upstairs and carried loads of random items over in our cars though. So we weren't completely useless! Pat (Jay's mom) helped out by taking care of Lula on Friday and Saturday.

It was a long day, but it made me happy to hear the guys joking around and laughing at each other while moving heavy objects from upstairs. I thoroughly appreciate the relationship we have with the people at our church and how everyone there is always so willing to help out with cheerful hearts. Even through sweat and hours of physical labor, they stayed til the end and never grumbled or complained. Thanks, guys! (I can't imagine they'll ever be reading my blog, but wanted to send some thanks out anyway!)

All the "extra" stuff that didn't make it into boxes. Why do we have so much stuff???
Jay was planning to just rent a truck and move everything himself, but I encouraged him to hire Two Men and a Truck. I think he realized what a good idea it was when they handled that wretchedly heavy piano all by themselves! It was worth every penny just for that!
Poor Mollie was going crazy at our other house with all the activity. So Jay brought her to the new house...where she didn't do much better. I finally put her in the basement to keep her out of the way. She doesn't know how to go up stairs. So this was a good spot for her.
Grandma kept saying, "I wish people would work around here. I'm getting sick of doing all the work." But this was the typical picture as she was saying this! (She was joking of course. She's rather spunky!)

Ummm...we were supervising.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Great Run

On behalf of all who participated in the Forum we want to thank you for a wonderful run. We learned much about following the Lord's lead and doing ministry and as a result CCC will be putting its efforts in other areas. The Forum as we know it on Sunday evening will discontinue. The Forum Band will continue to play at other venues and at CCC. Thank you for your support.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just a little something I read...

To those of you still reading our blog over winter break...

I started reading I Peter the other day, and a verse stood out to me that I had seemingly overlooked before. "These [trials] have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory & honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." v.7

It just puts things into perspective by comparing something that is so highly valued in this world to a faith that is strong in the Lord. This gives us hope when we face trials--they come only to strengthen your faith in Christ so you'll be prepared when He comes back for us. When you look at it in that light, all of the day to day trials you face don't seem so bad. These trials only shape us to be more like Him, and keep our eyes on eternity.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Q & A

Come ready with your questions this Sunday evening as we will have another of the Q & A sessions. No topic is off the board.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Concert and Getting Dunktized

The Autumn Film did a wonderful job in their concert. What a delight it was to deal with musicians who didn't project any diva spirit and brought it from the heart and with excellence. I heard folks comment that they loved the music and thoughtful lyrics. Of course the Forum band also did a wonderful job. I think I have a new favorite song in "You Won't Relent." Nick and Jil knock it dead on that one and my heart just soars everytime I hear it. Very powerful lyrics.

You won't relent until you have it all
My heart is yours

I'll set you as a seal, upon my heart
as a seal upon my arm
for there is a love, that is as strong as death
jealousy demanding as the grave
and many waters, cannot quench this love
My heart is yours

The baptism on the hill is one of the coolest venues for baptism I have ever seen. Perhaps a baptism in an ocean might beat it, but I love everyone gathering around standing on the hill. What a delight to witness young and old following Christ in baptism. Way to go Dalton, Isaac and Bill! I heard one small boy had commented to his mother afterwards that he saw people get "dunktized." I love it!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Guest worship leader at the Forum

We are blessed to have guest worship leader Steve Hammond and his team with us at the Forum this week. Adam Nelson plays drums with Steve and will also be leading us on Sunday evening. Don't miss it!