Sunday, April 27, 2008
A Serious Talent Pool
Friday, April 18, 2008
I saw Expelled today, the movie about the bias against those in academia who might question major premises within the evolutionary theory. I find it interesting how quickly the barrage of seething hatred for this film has already started on many blogs. Check the movie out. I am fascinated by the the worldview questions the film raises and understanding the implications of our basic beliefs. The film should be required viewing for every American college student.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Carrying a Cross and Culture
To follow Jesus we must carry a cross. Luke 9:23 says, "23And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Carrying a cross means we follow Jesus to the point of suffering. Cross carrying does not come naturally. We have to choose to allow suffering to be our teacher. Often the story about Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane is portrayed as an injunction to stay awake to pray. You might recall Jesus asked three of the disciples to stay up with Him to pray and instead they all fall asleep. Remember, the disciples repeatedly rejected the idea of a suffering Messiah. At the end of the garden episode Luke 22:45 says, "He came to the disciples and found them sleeping for sorrow." The sorrow was a realization of the suffering ahead. Sleep was a denial mechanism. The garden incident seems to be more about accepting suffering and praying so that our hearts will be filled up with the power and presence and purpose of God. We must prepare ourselves so that when suffering comes we don’t sleep or run or grow bitter or blame or do what we normally do to avoid it. Cross carrying takes discipline. Cross carrying isn't cool. Carrying a cross is not the church growth technique of choice. When Jesus started inviting disciples to carry a cross the crowds thinned.
In our desire to be relevant let us always remember our goal is to equip disciples to carry a cross in obedience and faithfulness to Jesus Christ. Filling up a venue with people is fine, but greater is building a band of believers who are sold out for Jesus Christ and willing to carry their cross. “God make the Forum a venue where worship and fellowship and authenticity move us toward a life of faithful discipleship. Let us not accept a lesser version of Christianity where comfort rules. May our worship be expressed in hearts willing to follow you to a garden or to a cross. Amen”